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Libgdx Keep getting an error when I try to load a Tiled Map

I am relatively new to libgdx and I cannot figure how to fix this error I keep getting. I have tried multiple sources but none seem to work and I feel like there might be an error in my code. The error is… Execution failed for task ‘:desktop:DesktopLauncher.main()’. Process ‘command ‘/Users/rehan_samaratunga/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/corretto-17.0.2/Contents/Home/bin/java” finished with non-zero exit value 1 My code is…

How to merge multiple Arrays containing the same value in Java

I’m struggling to find the best way to merge arrays (or create new ones) by looking at their shared value. this is my “dictionary” filled with arrays of 2 words, for example it contains arrays: I need to merge them by values they share, so for example the finished “dictionary” (or completely new list) would look like this: Also, the

Micronaut – Create a bean without creating ApplicationContext

I have a Micronaut declarative HTTP client written using @client annotation. I want to call this while starting micronaut app before creating the ApplicationContext itslef. HttpClient : (Main class) Answer I want to call this while starting micronaut app before creating the ApplicationContext itslef. Micronaut doesn’t provide a mechanism to support that. You could write your own thing

RSA decryption according to the private key reports an error

My code using RSA on the front end: My code using RSA in the backend: PublicKey like this: PrivateKey like this: Bu-t, when i do the java code decryption, it reported such an error: How can i solve this problem ? Answer 1. You are decoding wrong. PEM format has a dash-BEGIN line identifying the type of data, a block

How to Convert DurationFormatUtils back to Milliseconds

Currently I have been using DurationFormatUtils to convert the Millis in a track into HH:mm:ss, but I want to allow the user to seek the track using this format, for example they would type: ‘-seek HH:mm:ss or mm:ss’ and I want to convert that time back into milliseconds… Are there any built in Java methods to do this? Or would

Spring @Valid Message Not Coming Through in Response

I have a CQRS Rest API using Spring and Axon. Validation is setup for inputs using the javax.validation library. The validation is working properly, and catching that the ‘username’ needs to be at least 2 character long. However the message associated with the failed validation is not showing up in the response to the Post request. The response is ultimately
