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APACHE POI set formula by column name format

Have small problem when I want to set formula to cell by column name format. Let me show example: In excel file I can do something like this =[Name] So value from colmn B is copied to column A But when I try to do something like this in Apache POI I get exception: Parse error near char 0 ‘[‘

Erroneous element error with mapstruct and OpenAPI

While trying to convert the java model generated by openapi-generator with MapStruct getting the following exception error: No implementation was created for EmployeeMapper due to having a problem in the erroneous element org.openapitools.jackson.nullable.JsonNullable. Hint: this often means that some other annotation processor was supposed to process the erroneous element. You can also enable MapStruct verbose mode by setting -Amapstruct.verbose=true as

Why is my saved file not being used in game when I run it?

I am currently developing a simple 2D game that is like Minecraft in Eclipse Java. One of the features I am currently trying to debug is saving a generated 2D noise map into a source folder separate from the root folder called resources and then using that same file that was saved to generate the map that will be displayed

How to convert https url to File in Java?

I have an https url which is of String format. How can I convert it to File? I tried this but I’m getting error – URI scheme is not “file” Answer FileUtils.copyURLToFile worked well for me. Reference –

setOnClickListener start another activity

I’m trying to start another activity by pressing on the cardview which has a friend finder id. But when I write it gives me problems in the setOnClickListener. At homeActivity it tells me Cannot resolve method ‘homeActivity’ in ‘HomeActivity’. because? Answer If there is no code in the manifest, write it

ControllerAdvice @InitBinder setDisallowedFields doesn’t work

A JAVA project has been built with spring boot version 2.5.3. Due to the “Spring4shell” (CVE-2022-22965) security risk, we have to take mitigation actions. It’s not possible to upgrade the Spring Boot version since several other dependencies are incompatible with the latest Spring Boot version. So, it has been decided to apply a suggested workaround according to According to

Quarkus extension filter doesn’t work when registers via AdditionalBeanBuildItem

I want to implement my custom filter in my application. TemplateOverrideFilter I provide the configuration for the filter using ContextConfiguration And when I register my bean using the registerConfiguration method, it works well. But when I use registerAdditionalBeans, it doesn’t work. So I want to make the use of AdditionalBeanBuildItem also working. Can you help me? Answer So, I figured

Select Random element from ArrayList print then remove It

Hi so I have this array list of questions and I want to choose it randomly then delete it one by one until there’s no more so that It wont load the same question twice but there is some problem for example I have 3 questions in the question arraylist sometime it only loads 1 or two even the same

Use Kakfa connection to dynamically Subscribe/Unsubscribe the Kafka Topics using Spring Boot

I’m developing a SpringBoot application which exposes the APIs to sub/unsub the Kafka topics. All we need to do is to pass the topic-name in the API call and the application will subscribe to it and consume messages. Subscribe topic API : Unsubscribe topic API : Dependency I have created KafkaConsumerConfiguration in which stated some beans (as follows). and I
