I have the following Validator that I use to validate an Update Request. object.getIdCreditor() has a value, but the execution of the findById method “creditorRepository.findById(object.getIdCreditor())” goes into NullPointer exception I don’t understand what’s wrong. Answer I solved it by adding:
Tag: validation
Serialize Enum as String for validation using Jackson
I’m trying to validate an Enum using the custom validator, in my custom validator I’m trying to return a custom message when a parameter does not exist in the enum values. Bellow my enum Bellow my PostMapping method I can’t switch the type of enum to string in the method itself because I’m using swagger which displays a nice selection
org.everit.json.schema.SchemaException: #: could not determine version
A SchemaException gets thrown saying the version could not be determined as the title says. The schema version is clearly in the schema. This is all before data validation. Any ideas why this error gets thrown? My schema is as follows: Answer The library doesn’t support draft 2020-12 and 2019-09. You will have to use draft 7 for now (or
Does anyone know why @Valid fails with javax.validation and works with spring starter validation
I have the following controller: which uses this dependency, among others: the LibraryEvent DTO looks like this: And the book inside that library event, is the following: I also have this test which uses MockMvc to send a mocked request to the controller in order to test that one: Everything is fine so far, the problem is that in my
JUnit-Testing Custom Validation Annotations Java
Hei, I currently working on custom annotations for bean validation. To ensure the implemented validation logic is working as intended, i would like to implement unit-tests for these annotations. Sadly I am struggeling to find relevant guides/tutorials on Google. The most obvious solution is to create some class, stick the annotation on it and use the validatorFactory to start the
Why spring validator is not working in this Api?
I have written a basic simple API of students data and added few validations using Hibernate validator but everytime its returning 0 errors. Here’s the code: pom.xml student.java Controller.java I am testing it using postman,My request body: In every request,even if name is empty Its returning 0 errors. Can someone help? Thanks in advance. Answer you need to add starter
How can I make my program run the validation code in my sub-class rather than the parent class?
As the title suggests, I was wondering if there was a way to make my program execute the validation code in the constructor of my sub-class, instead of the validation code in the constructor in my parent class? Here is a very basic example: Here I have the constructor of my Teacher class, which throws an exception if age <
Get value of TypedMap from Constraints.ValidationPayload
We’re using playframework 2.8 with java and have implemented a form validation using DI and a payload as explained in the official play documentation https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.8.x/…
Fixed length Validation using Javax api
request response can be validated using javax annotation. However, need some help to have fixed length validation, as @Size(min=3, max=3). It is having message that ‘size must be between 3 and 3’. This is required to be changed. Answer If you want to change the default @Size message just declare parameter message into:
in Java HV000030: No validator could be found for constraint ‘javax.validation.constraints.Email’
I am trying to send html email notification when user submits a form but I am getting an error. Can you please look at it? javax.validation.UnexpectedTypeException: HV000030: No validator could be found for constraint ‘javax.validation.constraints.Email’ validating type ‘java.lang.String’. Check configuration for ’email’ Models: } This is in my main Service and I call this method from Controller. From my Controller