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Tag: ssl

How to load public certificate from pem file?

I was trying to extract RES public key from the file below Here is the code i did.. But It throws out IOException: ObjectIdentifier() — data isn’t an object ID What’s the appropriate way to extract RES Public key from a file.. Answer An X.509 certificate and an X509EncodedKeySpec are quite different structures, and trying to parse a cert

How to convert certificate from PEM to JKS?

I have to convert a certificate in PEM format into an Java key store. To use this one with tomcat at a windows server I’ve got those files: cert_request.csr cert_public_key.pem cert_private_key.pem cert.txt I tryed to combine the pem files (by combining the two files were chain together) and converted this with openssl into an .der file and import that with

Java 7 support of AES-GCM in SSL/TLS?

According to Java 7 documentation as well as third party vendors, it appears Java 7 should support AES-GCM suites: ibm java 7 java 7 ssl doc I was hitting some errors in negotiation between client and server unable to negotiate a cipher due to restricting it to only the AES-GCM ciphers. After investigation I found that it appears that the

SSLHandshakeException Trust anchor for certification path not found Android HTTPS

I’m trying to establish a connection to a HTTPS site and I got this exception: Trust anchor for certification path not found. My original code is as follows: Then, I read Google’s article here and modified my code to: Regarding the R.raw.cert file, I use this site to check the certificates of the site. I found 3 cetificates cannot be cast to

I am getting “java.lang.ClassCastException” while trying to connect to a url using . I am using Weblogic Server 10.3.4. The exception which i am getting is : Any possible reason of getting this error ? Answer I got the solution finally. If we are using Weblogic server, we must define: set JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS% -DUseSunHttpHandler=true …in the class path inside the

KeyUsage does not allow digital signatures

I’m trying to send HTTPS request from my Java EE program to the host that requires certificate authentication. I have a proper keystore file, truststore with imported CA, the listing of both shows that certificates are inside. But I receive the following error: Viewing the certificate contents in the part of Extensions I see the following: So my certificate does

Resolving PKIX path building failed Error?

Edit : I tried to format the question and accepted answer in more presentable way at my blog. Here is the original issue. I am getting this error: detailed message PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target cause PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to

jndi LDAPS custom HostnameVerifier and TrustManager

We are writing an application that shall connect to different LDAP servers. For each server we may only accept a certain certificate. The hostname in that certificate shall not matter. This is easy, when we use LDAP and STARTTLS, because we can use StartTlsResponse.setHostnameVerifier(..-) and use StartTlsResponse.negotiate(…) with a matching SSLSocketFactory. However we also need to support LDAPS connections. Java
