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Tag: ssl

Import Windows certificates to Java

I have a java server that is trying to connect to an external Ldap server through SSL (as a client in order to perform queries). I’m having trouble connecting since the certificate they send me upon connecting is trusted only in my local windows Truststore but is not present in java truststore (cacerts). Is there a way to tell Java

Unable to Send Mail – Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?

We are sending Mail using Spring JavaMailSenderImpl. Following is the configuration Properties File :- Console Logs We are convinced that this is not related to the SSL certificate as there are other web applications deployed in the same server which sends email perfectly with the same configuration. What could be the issue here ? Answer You want either mail.smtp.ssl.enable for

Java SSL client not selecting a smartcard key

I’m trying to use an Estonian ID card for SSL client authentication in a java program. This works in Chrome/Firefox against both banking sites and test servers (nginx or openssl s_server). However my Java client (okhttp) works fine for a local keystore and fails when trying to use the ID card. I’ve boiled it down to this test case which

Android Https web service communication (SSL / TLS 1.2)

In my Android application I’ve got to communicate with a https web service and read the response. I’ve informed the server configured SSL with TLS 1.2. I am using the following sample code to connect with the service (https get request), but only the devices that runs Android 5.0 or above can successfully communicate and read the response…. All the

java.lang.Exception: Public keys in reply and keystore don’t match

I have to access a webservice hosted at port 443.Service provider has shared three certificate with us. ABCD.cer CA_Certificate.cer CCA_Certificate.cer I have to add them to keystore by creating a form chain for the SSL communication.I have followed below steps. keytool -keystore npci_keystore_test.jks -genkey -alias npci_client_testore keytool -import -keystore npci_keystore_test.jks -file CA_Certificate.cer -alias theCARoot keytool -import -keystore npci_keystore_test.jks -file CCA_Certificate.cer

What format is java’s cacerts format expected to be?

I’m slightly confused about cacerts formats. An application I use recently had to upgrade it’s cacerts file. The original cacerts file was pk12 format (I assume, it’s binary), while the new format is clearly pem. I can use either cacert, but when I suggested someone having trouble with authentication upgrade to the new cacert he gets complaints because it is

Java 6 ECDHE Cipher Suite Support

The Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation page for Java 6 lists ECDHE cipher suites. Thus I would expect they are supported in Java 6. Yet neither OOTB Java 6 nor the addition of the JCE Unlimited Strength policy files is enabling them. The book Bulletproof SSL and TLS also indicates Java 6 supports ECDHE, with a caveat: Enable

SSL Java Invalid keystore format

I am testing SSL in java with SSLServerSocket and other classes in the java.ssl package. When I run the following code, I get the exception Invalid keystore format. My code: File key.txt: 1268312345812304612348712634283427346 I am guessing I should put something else in the key.txt file, but I do not know what to put in it. Probably a searilized object. Trust anchor for certification path not found. Android 2.3

In my server (production server), I have a goDaddy ssl certificate. I have both iOS and Android apps connecting with the server, iOS connecting with no problems, android with versions 4.* everything is good, but with devices with 2.3.* I always get a SSLHandshakeException. I did exactly like on Android Developers page ( I already saw similar threads here in
