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Tag: servlets

Undertow: Using existing Servlet instance

I am trying to replace in an existing application the embedded web server with Undertow as the old does not work correctly in some cases. The embedded web server is used to server a few simple servlets. My main problem is that I can’t find a way to register an existing HttpServlet instance in Undertow. All API methods I was

Servlet encoding woes in Open Liberty

I have a simple test servlet that should output a non ASCII character (right single quotation mark – ’). In Tomcat, it works, but in Liberty I get junk. Is this a bug in Liberty, am I doing it wrong, or a config issue? and the web.xml From Tomcat the response is (courtesy of Fiddler): The body hex is: E2,

Jetty 11 Doesn’t Detect Jakarta Servlets

This is a follow up to this question. I don’t think it’s a duplicate because the accepted answer indicates that Jetty 11 doesn’t work with javax servlets, but I’m asking why Jetty 11 doesn’t work with jakarta servlets. I have an example project here that uses Jetty 9 to deploy a local server, including a javax servlet that uses the

What are the advantages to use servlet mapping for web application development at a high level architecture point of view? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 11 months ago. Improve this question This question is meant to be answered from a high level architecture point of view. Therefore, the question is rather abstract

Tomcat. ClassNotFoundException on importing class

I am writing my training project on Tomcat based java servlets and jsp’s using Visual Studio Code. Now I am working on logging. My project structure looks like this: Class realizes logging system. Here is code of Code of package FamilyTask.lib; Command for compile servlet/filter classes: Command for compile simple classes: Compilation ends without errors, but on

Reading Excel File Column in Java

I have a sample of Excel data that needs to be read and store in the database. Example: I have tried to use Apache POI in reading data by row. But how do I get the Name and the amount from the column at the same time? Something like this Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Answer Result:
