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Tag: websphere-liberty

UserTransaction jndi lookup failed when using CompletableFuture

I have a code which does context lookup to get UserTransaction JNDI as ctx.lookup(“java:comp/UserTransaction”). When I run this code without using CompletableFuture, it works as expected. When working with CompletableFuture in async thread, it gives exception saying jndi lookup failed. I tried to check if I can get the required JNDI from global scope, but no luck. Answer The problem

Servlet encoding woes in Open Liberty

I have a simple test servlet that should output a non ASCII character (right single quotation mark – ’). In Tomcat, it works, but in Liberty I get junk. Is this a bug in Liberty, am I doing it wrong, or a config issue? and the web.xml From Tomcat the response is (courtesy of Fiddler): The body hex is: E2,

Redisson for JCache Session persistence on WebSphere-Liberty: how to pass redisson-jcache.yaml?

Hello Open Liberty experts, As an R&D effort, I am trying to enable Liberty session persistence backed by Redis via JCache/Redisson. I observe the CLASSPATH seems to be correctly configured via <library> and <httpSessionCache libraryRef> syntax, but the config file is not being passed to org.redisson.jcache.JCacheManager.createCache(). This method is an implementation of javax.cache.CacheManager.createCache() Here is my server.xml: Regardless of what

Websphere liberty profile error: 404 SRVE0190E

What could be the reason for the error: Error 404: SRVE0190E: File not found: /SimpleServletPath I am deploying in websphere liberty profile server. I can’t reach my admin console login page I can reach my welcome page on my websphere liberty profile server but can’t do so after creating a servlet. That’s when the above 404 error comes up. There
