I’m trying to do a written report on some code and I found one on Youtube. However, I don’t understand how some of this loop works. I understand that it goes through every item in the list and fetches each value for each variable and that it then adds all values to a list which is presented in an XML
Tag: request
Java Random unicode character is appearing when using socket requesting
When I request with this code, an weird alphabet comes with output (so i failed to parse json). it looks like unicode char, So I attached u, now it shows weird chinese alphabet (like 耀, 翸, 磛). How can I fix this code? Answer I don’t know why its working, but i fixed this problem with downgrading http version to
Send a simple POST request from Quarkus/Java
I want to send a simple POST request to another application to trigger some action there. I have a quarkus project and want to send the request from inside my CreateEntryHandler – is this possible in a simple way? Or do I need to add something like Apache Httpclient to my project? Does it make sense in combination with quarkus?
Repeat Volley Request Every x-seconds Java
Alright – Before you say this is a duplicate, I’ve looked over every stack overflow article I can find, and none of them work and/or answer the question properly/simply. All I need is to repeat a function with a volley request inside of it every x-seconds. Basically, I have a fairly simple Volley request inside a function, which works absolutely
The speed does not change from an asynchronous request
I need to make about 60 HTTP requests. In the first case, I did not use an asynchronous request and the speed was about 1.5 minutes. In the second case, I used an asynchronous request and the speed did not change either and was about 1.5 minutes. Please see my code. Maybe I’m not doing the asynchronous request correctly or
Spotify PKCE. Error invalid client secret
I need to complete Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange. In step 4, I get an error 400 – bad request {“error”:”invalid_request”,”error_description”:”Invalid client secret”}. Why need to client secret if it is PKCE. What do I wrong? Do you have any idea? Body request like code=abc&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=spotify-sdk%3A%2F%2Fauth&client_id=abc&code_verifier=abc Example code verifier: xeJ7Sx1lyUr0A_DAomzewuGn8vNS2cd3ZF2odDlqHEqeYKpxjnYYhpHxOohoo7lf22VNImGiOy_PE07owmDn2VmTWvdKKQ Example code challenge: N_yPRc_VC8JQJz5dYOuvvM-9cJLdAtEjJ9-lh8Xk_qI And the same