im sending a Json Array from Activity A to Activity B, and i want to populate that Json Array into Spinner in Activity B. but when i Log the json array from Activity A, the data becomes a single object “NVAKSINATOR” : [{“NVAKSINATOR”:”[{“NVAKSINATOR”:”20800″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”0″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”77350″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”51750″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”30000″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”51500″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”25750″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”30900″}]”}] i want that number like 20800 , 0 , 77350 to be populated in spinner but i
Tag: object
How to write a method which will take item array as input and return item with least price (considering discount as well)?
I am new to Java, and I am trying to declare another method in this class called getItemPrice, which will take item array as input and return item with least price (considering discount as well). So far, I have declared an array of 2 item objects in main method. This is my main method: As you can see above, each
Why am I getting an error when I try to create the Scoreboard object with an array?
The last line in this is giving me an error and I’m not sure why because those are the parameters for the Scoreboard class. Answer Short answer Change to: Longer answer Consider the code: You are not doing the incorrect So as you know, there is no necessity to pass the variable type as well as the value, and in
How to call a method from a class given that I have the Constructor for it?
If I have a constructor object Constructor<?> productConstructor, how can I call the run() method that exists in that class? For example, let’s say I have the class: I can run the constructor for my class like this: If I keep the code as is, then I have to place the run() method inside of the constructor to run it,
How to access repeated elements in JSON object java?
At first: I know, there are many questions like this one, but all the answers don’t help. I am new to JSON and appreciate every answer. I have a JSON object like this: The JSON object can have hundreds of these elements which begin with “type” : “node”. Now I want to access all lat, lon and names. There are
How to filter an array of objects by month and year – Java
I’m new at Java and I have a question. I have this array of objects: That contains this: I would like to know how can I filter this array by month and year. A first example would be filter the array by month 10 and year 2021. Any suggestion ? Answer You can use the Stream API to do it
Check if multiple objects have same value of a field in java and remove duplicates based on other fields
So I have a list of objects. Suppose they have 2 fields startDate, endDate(data type is timestamp). So if startDate is equal to startDate of another object then I have to choose the object with higher endDate. How can I achieve this efficiently. I can use 2 for loops but that would have a high time complexity. Any better way
Converting Class of an Object into a Child Class
Say I have the following classes Then I get an object from an array of Parents If this object is of the child class, I want to cast the tempParent into the child class in order to use “doSomething” without having to create a new object This, however, does not work. I still get an error telling me that doSomething
How can I prevent an overwrite and add to exisiting array (Java)
My project mostly works as intended, save for the fact that my methods will overwrite the initial entry and not add the new entry to the array. For instance if I input 2 entries via option 1, and then attempt to add another (single) entry via option 2, index 0 is overwritten by the new entry. I’ve tried making the
If only one object is created during inheritance then what is super keyword referencing to?
In the following code, what is super keyword referencing to? If no objects/instances of super class are created, then what is super keyword referencing to as it is a reference variable and supposed to reference super class instance? Answer Note that super is a bit different from this, in that super is not a primary expression. In fact, super is