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Tag: object

XML to Java Object

I am trying to convert an XML file to a Java Object, now, I have read of JAXB, XStream, Sax and DOM, I’d like to convert this sort of type of xml: it might be as well as: I wanted to know if there is anything out there (and possibly not 3rd party) that I can use, without declaring a

Fastest way to cast Java Objects from memcache

We have a webapp which uses memcache to store objects temporally. We are adding background jobs to cleanup the cache (not based on time based expiration that comes with memcache). Since we have multiple instances of the webapp running, we want to make sure that only one instance is doing the cleanup at any point. So we decided to keep

Want to store Object in MySQL database

I have a variable in java which return type is Object(java.lang.Object). I want to store this variable value in MySQL database without casting in any other primitive data type. Is there any data type available in MySQL related to Object? Answer You can use a BLOB to store the raw data, but otherwise no, MySQL does not have a datatype

How do I copy an object in Java?

Consider the code below: So, I want to copy the dum to dumtwo and change dum without affecting the dumtwo. But the code above is not doing that. When I change something in dum, the same change is happening in dumtwo also. I guess, when I say dumtwo = dum, Java copies the reference only. So, is there any way
