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Tag: mysql

Storing UUID as string in mysql using JPA

I came across a blog of using UUID with Hibernate and MySql. Now the problem is, whenever I take a look at the database the ID’s will be non-readable format (binary-16). How can I store UUID as a readable format like 7feb24af-fc38-44de-bc38-04defc3804fe instead of ¡7ôáßEN¹º}ÅÑs I was using this code And the result is ¡7ôáßEN¹º}ÅÑs. But I want it as

Debezium flush timeout and OutOfMemoryError errors with MySQL

Using Debezium 0.7 to read from MySQL but getting flush timeout and OutOfMemoryError errors in the initial snapshot phase. Looking at the logs below it seems like the connector is trying to write too many messages in one go: Wonder what the correct settings are for sizeable databases (>50GB). I didn’t have this issue with smaller databases. Simply increasing

How to create a generic DAO for CRUD methods

I’m trying to create a generic DAO for the basic CRUD methods so that I can reuse the code, but I really have no clue how to start. I already have a DAO for every class, and they work perfectly. I read lots of tutorial, and downloaded projects, but I can’t adapt (or understand) it to my program. Here is

OpenGTS Integration in Eclipse

OpenGTS Integration in Eclipse *Imported whole opengts code in to the eclispse workspace. *Created the four environment variables like GTS_HOME,CATALINA_HOME,ANT_HOME,JAVA_HOME as system variables. *In the next step am trying to configure the database for the opengts as they mentioned in the document. *Refer the link below “”. Taking reference of above link Am trying to run the commands given in

One-to-many select in Jooq

I am trying out JOOQ and trying to select from 3 tables (Author, Books and Articles) using a join statement. The ERD is as follows: The query I have is the following: I also have a protobuf object as follows: (or any other pojo for that matter) which will hold all the entities (author details + list of books +
