Client has given 2 certificates in ‘.txt’ format and I need to add these certificates during runtime while invoking the SOAP service. Unable to add ‘.txt’ format files as i am getting like ‘Invalid Format’. Certificates have “—–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—–” and “—–END CERTIFICATE—–” headers at the top and bottom of the txt file, so it’s PEM type file (I assume). Any
Tag: keystore
Error message – Creating a new Key store (PKCS12) (Android Studio)
I would like to publish my app on the Play Store. Therefore at first I need to create a signed APK. Everytime I would like to create a new Keystore two error messages appear (see below). First one: Warning: No support for different storage and key passwords for PKCS12 KeyStores. The user-defined value -keypass is ignored. By clicking on “OK”,
Parsing encrypted PKCS#8 encoded pem file programatically
I am having trouble figuring out how to properly read a private key of a pem file. I have gone through different topics on stackoverflow, but I couldn’t find the solution for it. What I want to achieve is reading an encrypted private key in pkcs#8 encoding file from a classpath and load it as a key-entry in a in
How do I use client certificates in a client java application?
This is a topic that has taken me quite some time to figure out. There are bits and pieces of information scattered and one has to put everything together. I was hoping that with this post I could help others quickly assemble a working solution. I have a client-cert.pem, client-key.pem and a root.pem files and I need to used them
keytool error: keystore password was incorrect
Created a Certificate for Tomcat, trying to get it installed in new keystore, and getting error (Edit: ran it with -v option, now getting more info): Sadly, it’s correct, the passphrase has two “®”. So, given what I’ve done (the private key has the non-ASCII password), how much of a pain will it be to recover from this?: The file
Android Studio – Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect
I am trying to generate a signed APK by using the built-in widget in Android Studio v1.4. However, I got this annoying error Error:Execution failed for task ‘:app:packageRelease’. Failed to read key cckey from store “C:UsersLancelotDesktoprelease.jks”: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect I was able to retrieve my key alias like the below screenshot (In order to get
Using a custom truststore in java as well as the default one [duplicate]
This question already has answers here: How can I use different certificates on specific connections? (5 answers) Closed 8 months ago. I’m writing an application in Java which connects to two web servers via HTTPS. One got a certificate trusted via the default chain of trust, the other uses a self signed certificate. Of course, connecting to the first server
How to make “MessageDigest SHA-1 and Signature NONEwithRSA” equivalent to “Signature SHA1withRSA “
I am interested in applying a SHA-1 hash with RSA signature to some data, but I need to do it in two steps – apply hash first and then sign the data. The Signature.sign() function appears to create a more complex (ASN.1?) data structure that is ultimately signed (see this question). How can I make the two equivalent without using
How to find ~/.android/debug.keystore in Mac OS X for Android?
I am very new to Android development. Now am facing this problem in Java Eclipse, Error generating final archive: Debug Certificate expired on 1/11/12 12:52 PM Unknown Android Packaging Problem …
Import PEM into Java Key Store
I am trying to connect to an SSL server which requires me to authenticate myself. In order to use SSL over Apache MINA I need a suitable JKS file. However, I have only been given a .PEM file. How would I go about creating a JKS file from a PEM file? Answer First, convert your certificate in a DER format