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Tag: java

how to solve java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: RETURN_NULL_AND_BLANK in java

here ssa_msg_daily contains blank or null values in the table,so while compiling i am getting error as Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: RETURN_NULL_AND_BLANK occurs @ XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(); how can i handle this situation and i am using the resultset to convert to spreedsheet using apache poi Answer You’ve got a classpath issue. You have a mix of

spring boot – displaying object data from controller in JSP

I have a User class, two JSP and one controller. I want to register a user, store their details in a database (H2) and display user’s name after registration. This is my home.jsp – This is my controller – This is my afterRegister.jsp – The object gets added to the database. What am I doing wrong when it comes to

Eclipse(2020 09) Java Installation issue || Windows 10 OS

I am new to Java programming. I have installed Java SE 11 (LTS) (JDK 11.0.8) on my OS. Note that former Java also has jre folder in it. But Java 11 onward there come only JDK folder. So, I have set JAVA_HOME environment variable as well as, included jdkbin in path as well. By checking on cmd java version shows

problem with equals() method when used after toString() method

When I tried to take two strings as input to a function and check whether they are anagrams, I am getting the wrong output. I have written the following code. The sample input I have taken is s = “anagram” and t = “nagaram” . When checked, both the char arrays are printing the same value, i.e. But my output

dataSnapshot could not get parent push key value

I want dataSnapshot to check if “month” exists in its parent’s “summary”. But dataSnapshot is returning that it does not have “month” in “summary” My Firebase Database: I want to check the value (blue line) from its parent(red line) My Firebase Database Answer The following line of code: Returns the key of the node on which the reference is pointing

Activity or Fragment for a SearchView?

I´m doing my final degree project and I have chose to develop and Android app using Firebase Firestore, the idea it´s cool because I´m learning how to program on Android, but on Java. So, I have develop the SplashScreen, Login form, SignIn form and able to connect succesfully with Firebase but right now I´m having a problem about thinking the
