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Tag: java

Where does maven search for file?

I am facing issues using log4j with Maven. I’ve one properties file i.e and I’ve put that file at the same path where project’s pom.xml is stored. pom.xml I’ve used log4j in my code which is under test folder. Code I would like to know, how does maven identify where the file is located? In the above scenario

Maven build: Tomcat server doesn’t start

I am new to Maven and trying to setup a web project using Maven. I have setup the project in Eclipse and I am using Tomcat 7.0.53. In run configuration for Maven build and I have set tomcat:run in Goals. When I run this configuration, following log is seen in the Eclipse console: Nothing happens after this. There is no

Getting IndexOutOfBoundException

why does following main method gives IndexOutOfBoundException at list.add(1, 2)? Answer You can’t add an element at index 1 when it the ArrayList is empty. It starts at 0, or just use add. Per the ArrayList#add(int index, E element) javadoc, Throws: When size == 0, the index 1 is out of range.

How to create C style union in java?

I have to convert one of my code segment from C to java. Code is given below. union commandString{ char commndStr[20]; struct{ char commnd[4]; char separator1; char …

package javax.servlet.annotation does not exist

I have some of the following imports defined like the following as shown in the image below. I am wondering, how can I eliminate “package javax.servlet.annotation does not exist” error. I am currently working on “Java Web” type of project in Netbeans 7.4. . Secondly, I believe , the above error is the reason behind my second error related to

Package does not exist

Which JAR contains I’m not using Maven or Ivy, just Ant. Ant compile gives: In the classpath is: The library is netty-4.0.21.Final.tar.bz2, which was downloaded from the official Netty website. I added each JAR from that download to the project. Yes, I realize it’s not using the CLI javac classpath, but the JAR’s are visible in the project, as
