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Tag: java

SOAPHandler handleFault

Can any one explain me when SOAPHandler’s handleFault(SOAPMessageContext context) method is called ? My Handler class is : Can any one explain when handleMessage and handleFault method is called ? Answer According to : handleMessage : The Handler.handleMessage() method is called to intercept a SOAP message request before and after it is processed by the back-end component and handleFault

Spring Bean Validation @Valid handling

I have created a Spring MVC REST service using Bean Validation 1.2 with the following method: If object isn’t valid, Tomcat informs me that The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect. and my validatedMethod is never called. How can I get the message that was defined in the ValidObject bean? Should I use some filter or interceptor? I

JPA PessimisticLockScope.NORMAL and locking “relationships”

I am studying JPA Documentation and encountered the following lines: Entity relationships for which the locked entity contains the foreign key will also be locked, but not the state of the referenced entities (unless those entities are explicitly locked). Element collections and relationships for which the entity does not contain the foreign key (such as relationships that are mapped to

How to see if a texture is touched in libgdx?

pretty much i want my texture to move to a random position on the screen when its touched and when its missed i want to system.out(“missed”). I cant figure out how to see if its touched. right now i can only get if the screen is touch and it records about 10 touches for every one touch because it renders

JavaFX Table Cell Editing

I am trying to make a program in Java to manage my bookie accounts. I’m new to java, so I thought I would chose something simple to see how things work. I decided to use a tableview and make the individual cells editable. I’ve been following this tutorial It details how to do it using java code, and copying

On Which Line Number Was the Regex Match Found?

I would like to search a .java file using Regular Expressions and I wonder if there is a way to detect one what lines in the file the matches are found. For example if I look for the match hello with Java regular expressions, will some method tell me that the matches were found on lines 9, 15, and 30?

How to save a Jsoup Document to an HTML file?

I have used this method to retrieve a webpage into an org.jsoup.nodes.Document object: myDoc = Jsoup.connect(myURL).ignoreContentType(true).get(); How should I write this object to a HTML file? The methods myDoc.html(), myDoc.text() and myDoc.toString() don’t output all elements of the document. Some information in a javascript element can be lost in parsing it. For example, “timestamp” in the source of an Instagram
