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Tag: arguments

The method countTrue(boolean[]) in the type GUI is not applicable for the arguments (boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)

this is the error : “The method countTrue(boolean[]) in the type GUI is not applicable for the arguments (boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)” , the error is in the last line , but i dont get why. Answer New array should be declared as below: int x = GUI.countTrue(new boolean[]{true, false, false, true, false}); OR you can use varargs and

About VM arguments

Am I right in thinking that when one specifies VM arguments in an IDE (I’m using NetBeans in this instance), that these arguments are only passed when the code is run through the IDE itself? Essentially, I’d like to specify that when my program runs, the VM’s minimum/initial heap size is 2Gb. I can do this using the -Xms2048m command,

How to add reference to a method parameter in javadoc?

Is there a way to add references to one or more of a method’s parameters from the method documentation body? Something like: Answer As far as I can tell after reading the docs for javadoc there is no such feature. Don’t use <code>foo</code> as recommended in other answers; you can use {@code foo}. This is especially good to know when
