Since wsimport is not included since JDK11 (Where to download and how to install JAX-WS wsimport tools?), I think I need to install metro-jax-ws; however, there are no instructions on how to do so… Answer Download and unzip the latest release from here. Install maven. cd to metro-jax-ws-3.0.2/jaxws-ri/bundles and run mvn install. After mvn install, read the last line of
Tag: java-11
Standalone Nashorn with Java 11 throws java.lang.StackOverflowError upon eval
I came across an issue with Nashorn, when evaluating a large expression, it works fine in Java 8 , but throws a java.lang.StackOverflowError in Java 11. I came across this question, and in an attempt to fix this issue, as suggested in this comment, I’m trying to use the Standalone Nashorn with Java 11, by using org.openjdk.nashorn.api.scripting.NashornScriptEngineFactory in my code
Weird Lazy Casting Behaviour for character in Java 11
Can someone kindly explain the casting behaviour I illustrated below? Code Expected Output Actual Output As observed, when -1 is cast to char & back to short, it remembers what it was (which is -1) whereas when cast to an int it is 65535. I’d expected charo to be 65535 due to underflow upon casting to char since char only
proto3: Why setting java_multiple_files = true not creating separate java classes for each proto message?
I have a proto definition with nested classes When I generate the java classes with option java_multiple_files = false; it creates a single java class, with all the Java classes/enums/etc generated for the top-level messages, services, and enumerations nested inside it. This is expected. But if I use option java_multiple_files = true; then I am seeing it is generating
Java 11 + Oracle Forms-Standalone Launcher + 125%-Zoom = blurry application
After we switched from Java 8 to Java 11 with our Oracle Forms + Reports-Application, the GUI-font appears quite blurry when zoomed to 125% or 150%. For testing we switched back and replaced Java 11 with Java 8 and the application appeared fine when zoomed. How to fix it with Java 11? We already tried the solutions we found online
How to get object field for max value in another field in grouped by one more field?
I have list of entities that looks like this: For each code with max version I wanna to get creationDate. I did it like this, but I think that it can be done somehow easier… Answer You can do like this: After grouping by each code then use collectingAndThen collectors and find max item based on version amount and at
Criteria for default garbage collector Hotspot JVM 11/17
I found a source describing that the default gc used changes depending on the available resources. It seems that the jvm uses either g1gc or serial gc dependnig on hardware and os. The serial collector is selected by default on certain hardware and operating system configurations Can someone point out a more detailed source on what the specific criteria is
I have added all the relevant dependencies in build.gradle file. Still, geting below error when I try to run the Invoke SOAP service. Shared dependencies section and error details. Using Java 11. There are lot of answers already on internet, but none of it seems to be working. Any Help/Suggestion would be appreciable. Getting below error stacktrace Answer A2A: There
Java9 modules : How to execute Provider based on some priority of execution?
I am using java 9 modules to implement provider , i have multiple providers for service interface. I want to provide some priority for providers for their execution insted of using findFirst(); I have service-interface modules as below , ServiceInterface.Java I have provider-module which has two implementation for service interface , Now , i have consumer-module
How to deal with ResolutionException?
I’m trying to use Java Modules in my Spring Boot project and I’m getting the following exception: How can I solve this problem? Answer Try using JDK8 to run this code. It seems to be a compatability issue Edit: The root cause is that this package has been removed. ( from the standard JVM installation after java 8. Some of