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Tag: wsimport

Installing metro-jax-ws and running wsimport issue

Since wsimport is not included since JDK11 (Where to download and how to install JAX-WS wsimport tools?), I think I need to install metro-jax-ws; however, there are no instructions on how to do so… Answer Download and unzip the latest release from here. Install maven. cd to metro-jax-ws-3.0.2/jaxws-ri/bundles and run mvn install. After mvn install, read the last line of

wsimport – Two declarations cause a collision, same line given

Trying to use wsimport to generate a client for a SOAP endpoint. The WSDL and all XSD files used are local copies. This is the command being executed: Which gives this error: Note the line number is the same for the reported collision. Here’s the schema: I’ve tried removing the type definition, but it’s referenced in a slew of other
