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Tag: jakarta-ee

How to maintain accordionPanels in the same order?

I’m using accordionPanel in Primefaces. When I refresh the page the order changes! For example: I have 1,2,3 then they become 2,3,1 or 3,2,1 ! The order of the panels changes everytime I refresh the page! So I need to know how to fix that, in order to maintain the order of panels in the same way as it is

KeyCloak – Create Realms/Users/Groups Programmatically?

We’ve decided to move to KeyCloak for our identity and access management solution, rather than implement it entirely within our Java EE web app. We’re creating a multi-tenant solution, and would prefer to create security realms/users/groups programmatically through our workflow, rather than leveraging KeyCloak’s self-registration functionality or web UI so that we can do things like grab credit card details

Replacements for deprecated JPMS modules with Java EE APIs

Java 9 deprecated six modules that contain Java EE APIs and they are going to be removed soon: java.activation with javax.activation package java.corba with javax.activity, javax.rmi, javax.rmi.CORBA, and org.omg.* packages java.transaction with javax.transaction package java.xml.bind with all javax.xml.bind.* packages with javax.jws, javax.jws.soap, javax.xml.soap, and all* packages with javax.annotation package Which maintained third-party artifacts provide those APIs? It

How to resolve “Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation “employee” does not exist Position: 13″ error?

I have tried to execute the Hibernate Demo application. I’m getting the below error message. Database: PostgreSQL Hibernate Version: 5 Source code for Bean class package com.javatpoint; Test class package com.javatpoint; hibernate.cfg.xml Error Message Eclipse Project PostgreSQL Database Answer Hibernate is trying to create entity in hibernatedemo schema. You need to create that schema in database. I did not see

Jboss (6.4 EAP) to WebSphere (7.x)

I am attempting to make a EJB call from Jboss (6.4 EAP) to WebSphere (7.x). I have a working example from WebSphere (WAS) to WAS, however, the same location and lookup name returns a name not found exception. I’m currently doing this testing inside of a web application deployed as a WAR into Jboss. I do not have the EJB

Change deferredResult HTTP status code on timeout

I am using deferredResult on Spring MVC, but using this code, the timeout still are sending back the HTTP code 503 to the client. Any idea what else to try? Answer I ran into the same issue. My Spring MVC Controller method originally returned DeferredResult<Object>, but then I realised I wanted to control the HTTP status code. I found the

How does the validate() method in Struts 2 get the result “input”?

In Struts 2, “input” is returned when a check fails in the validate() method. I then map <result name=”input”> in struts.xml for the appropriate page. I am just wondering how it gets the “input”, which is a String when the validate() method itself returns void? I would like to understand this concept. Answer The validate() method itself returns nothing (void).
