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Tag: http

How download an installed app with nanohttpd

Hello i want to make a http server with nanohttpd that shows installed apps, and convert them to apk and download. I can list but how can i download the app i select Answer Ok, I basicly take the url after list the apps and check which appname equal to url after that i start to download it like that

Spring POST Method Microservice 500 exception

So, im trying to write a microservice with basic GET POST PUT DELETE commands. Its a Spring Maven Java programm with a mysql server When I try to post something it works, however if I dont include the Id it returns an exception: This is weird, because in the mysql console I can Insert a customer without the id, it

HTTP POST with request body

For this request, I am trying to set the entity, however when I do request.setEntity, it says required type HttpEntity, on upcasting it to HttpEntity as request.setEntity((HttpEntity) entity) it still gives me exception. Answer I was using “com.signalfx.shaded.apache.http.entity.StringEntity” instead of “import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity” which was causing the issue.

Use API REST interface to authenticate user on android app

I am writing an App with friends that uses an API to login. I am using OKHTTP for the GET/POST Requests. I have written the following code for the Login page: After trying to login I get following error message I have tried multithreading but I have not found a solution that awaits the result of the login. And regarding

400 Bad Request when using Spring Boot

I am sending a Http POST request to my RESTful API build with Spring Boot and get the “400 Bad Request” response. My POST request is made with Postman, send to with the body I want to pass the filename variable to my Java Method. My RESTful api is build in Java with Spring Boot I tried with and with

I can’t understand casting interface to children that don’t have any parents

I am studying lambda and then WebClient Class so I am creating bean of WebClient I think top codes and bottom codes are the same I don’t understand this cast situation because HttpMessageWriter is interface and LoggingCodecSupport is class but LoggingCodecSupport doesn’t implement HttpMessageWriter, so I think HttpMessageWriter can’t cast to LoggingCodecSupport This is the code of HttpMessageWriter This is Illegal character in query at index 177

I tried to get Azure Usage details via nextLink which is shared by Azure. while i tried to make http request URISyntaxException is occured. This is the nextLink url: “$filter=properties/usageStart eq ‘2020-07-1’ and properties/usageEnd eq ‘2020-07-30’ &metric=actualcost&$expand=properties/meterDetails,properties/additionalInfo&sessiontoken=15:785628&$skiptoken=827CDTHDWI07C46616C7365730&skiptokenver=v1&id=2d790-d675-45d-89j56-3989w06cca” I think this is because of characters such as ?, & and ! in my URL. so I tried using: URLEncoder.encode(myUrl, “UTF-8”); but
