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Tag: azure-active-directory

Secure a Java web app using the Spring Boot Starter for Azure Active Directory JWT token algorithm problem

I’m created java web application using spring boot starter for azure active directory step by step like is described in: My application with my azure account work fine when i open localhost:8080 it redirects me to azure where I do the login and then I’m redirected back to my app. Problem is when i try to configure this dummy app

HTTP POST with request body

For this request, I am trying to set the entity, however when I do request.setEntity, it says required type HttpEntity, on upcasting it to HttpEntity as request.setEntity((HttpEntity) entity) it still gives me exception. Answer I was using “com.signalfx.shaded.apache.http.entity.StringEntity” instead of “import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity” which was causing the issue.

Getting an exception when tried to implement Azure AD authentication and authorization in Spring Boot

I receive the following error: Even though I’ve provided the client ID in I followed the following link: POM: MAIN: CONTROLLER APPLICATION.PROPERTIES I updated my POM with The new error after updating POM: I’ve updated my POM, now it is building fine, but on login I’m getting AADSTS50011: The reply URL specified in the request does not match

List Azure AD using UsernamePasswordCredential provider

I am using UsernamePasswordCredential provider to connect to AAD and get de users using msgraph-sdk-java (, the code is the following: and I am receiving the following error: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Failed to acquire token with username and password any idea if I need configure somethings in azure active directory? Answer Your problem has been resolved through comments. Post it
