Is there a way to convert a gradle project fully into maven? The only things I found where guides to produce a pom file, which basically only conatins dependencies but no “building steps”. Background: I built a small java game using command line outputs to display the game output. As next step I want to build a graphical diaplay of
Tag: gradle
Getting Errors in Flutter while creating first app app:checkDebugDuplicateClasses
I am just trying to launch the first basic created code on flutter which is the counter button on the screen, now if I try to Debug it then it always gets messed up in all sorts of errors. Currently, the error is this: Answer Hi Usually this is caused by something unwanted being cached, there are two ways to
Process finished with non-zero exit value 19
I’ve been using Java to make my own discord bot for a while, and all of a sudden I can’t run the code anymore. The code compiles without any problem, but when I try to run it I get this error: I tried reverting the gradle version to 6.7 instead of 7.0, going back to jdk 15.0.2 (instead of jdk
How to start a new backend web project in Eclipse with Gradle?
I have recently pivoted into backends and I have to create a backend for a web application. It will be with the following config: IDE: Eclipse Build Tool: Gradle (or Maven) Jakarta EE 9 REST Implementation: Jersey 3 Jakarta Servlet: 5.0 Server: Tomcat 10 Language: Java 11 Dynamic Web Module Version: 5.0 I tried creating with the Dynamic Web Project
No such property: count for class: com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.transformers.ServiceFileTransformer
Creating a new application with the latest version of Micronaut using Intellj throws an exception during the build process. build.gradle Answer You need to upgrade to Shadow 7.0.0. build.gradle: This issue has been fixed with PR #655. The root cause is a change to Groovy itself (Jira: GROOVY-9292, GitHub: PR #1050), details in the linked PR.
Eclipse: Gradle source folder migration breaks JUnit test resources
I refactored an Eclipse project with using Java 11.0.10 to match Gradle’s default source and resource folders instead of eclipse’s source and resource folders, like this: I moved the sources and resources to the folders accordingly. When I access a test resource within a JUnit test, like TestClass.class.getResource(“/my/package/mytestresource.xml”) it returns [ProjectFolder]/src/main/resources/my/package/mytestresource.xml and not [ProjectFolder]/src/test/resources/my/package/mytestresource.xml. The test runs over Eclipse’s JUnit
How I can build a .jar file first and then my andoid app?
In my project: source is seperated into 2 parts: The core library where no android dependencies are placed. The android app iself. Core Logic is in app/src/main/java/pc_magas/vodafone_fu_h300s/logic/ and the tests for the core logic is in: app/src/test/java/pc_magas/vodafone_fu_h300s/logic/ Therefore, I want to split my build process into these phases: Build a .jar out of the app/src/main/java/pc_magas/vodafone_fu_h300s/logic/ place it into ./app/libs
Android, opencv – No implementation found for long org.opencv.core.Mat.n_Mat() when trying to initialize Mat
I want to do some things using OpenCV and I’m trying to create Mat object: On this line I get the error: I have OpenCV as separate module in my android project and have imported it into my main module by adding implementation project(path: ‘:OpenCV’) in its build.gradle in dependencies section. I have seen one simillar question but it is
Execution failed for task ‘:app:compileJava’ with ./gradlew run
When I try using “./gradlew run” on my gradle projects, I receive this error: I have tried on multiple different projects and it still doesn’t work. I believe it has something to do with gradle expecting a different version of Java, as I am using java 16 and when I check “gradle -v” it says “JVM: 15.0.2”. I am not
Flutter project fails to build when gradle gets upgraded. Error: Type ‘FlutterTask’ property ‘assets’ is missing an input or output annotation [closed]
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question When I try to build my application on a usb device, the build