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Tag: build.gradle

Methods signature got changed while compiling the gradle java application and referencing to other project

I have two projects known as (Common and ApiGateway).The common is a Gradle java project and ApiGateway is a Micronaut java application. In the common project, I am keeping all the common things and referencing the jar to the Apigateway project. Common project The below code is compiled with ./gradlew build The API gateway implements the IProductOperation interface which is

How to solve error: package org.springframework.context.annotation does not exist import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean?

After updating the gradle wrapper to version 7.3.2 I get the following error when trying to build my spring boot project: Why is this happening? Update: Found the problem, but do not know how to fix yet. I have multiple modules in my project. I have a “common” module which is used by other modules. With the old gradle version

What is the purpose of apply maven plugin in build.gradle?

I keep seeing apply plugin: ‘maven’ in build.gradle files for Java projects. What is the purpose of adding a Maven plugin? I can’t seem to find the plugin when querying for it on Answer Why don’t you just google it? “The Maven plugin adds support for deploying artifacts to Maven repositories.”

Run gradle task after doLast of a other task

I have a variable in my build.gradle (xy) file with an integer value and three simple tasks. The tree tasks are also “bundled” in a fourth task, to call the three tasks one after one. If I call the task callAll, the task callOne should add 5 to the int value, task callTwo should add also 5 the int value,

Gradle – Could not find load main class

I need to tune the JVM memory by help of Gradle. I’ve writen settings in the file: org.gradle.jvmargs=-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=60M but it didn’t work. Then I’ve done it manually in an IDEA (Run>Edit Configurations…) and wrote the settings for the needed class (in VM options: field) and it works. Can we do the same by help of Gradle? I’ve tried to

Gradle Build Error in Multi-module project: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: at groovyjarjarasm.asm.signature.SignatureReader.parseType

I’m getting Execution failed for task ‘:app-specification:compileTestGroovy’ along with org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: when trying to build gradle. This is a multi-module gradle project with the first module being the main app(SpringBoot app) with some Spock tests and the other module which consists of Cucumber specifications(feature files and step definitions). The gradle build occurs at specifications, which uses the main spring boot application

No such property: count for class: com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.transformers.ServiceFileTransformer

Creating a new application with the latest version of Micronaut using Intellj throws an exception during the build process. build.gradle Answer You need to upgrade to Shadow 7.0.0. build.gradle: This issue has been fixed with PR #655. The root cause is a change to Groovy itself (Jira: GROOVY-9292, GitHub: PR #1050), details in the linked PR.
