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Tag: grails

Slowness after migrating to Grails 5.1.1 – time spent on GrailsControllerUrlMappingInfo

Recently, we migrated our backend APIs from Grails 3 to Grails 5.1.1 Together with it we also upgraded java version to 11. Everything is running on Docker. Otherwise, nothing else has changed. After the migration, we are now facing performance issues. But it’s a weird one. First, we got some results from NewRelic: NewRelic is showing that org.grails.web.mapping.mvc.GrailsControllerUrlMappingInfo is to

Stale element just after Find

I’m using ChromeDriver in Groovy, for clarification. I know that you usually can get a Stale Element Exception if you save an element, the page changes and then you try to access it. But my problem is that I sometimes at random get that error when i literraly just obtained it. My code looks something like this: And it’s on

Grails scaffolding does show nothing

I use grails 2.4.4 I added dependenci in my BuildConfig: and add plugin: Create domain Person: And controller: Also try to use: static scaffold = true, it also doesn’t work. I try to delete my package target. But in my url (http://localhost:8090/grails-com.learning/person) I see nothing There is no the plugin: Answer See the project at grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy#L49-L75 (there is no

Groovy createCriteria issue with joined table

I have a domain class Coach which has a has many relationship to another domain class CoachProperty. Hibernate/Grails is creating a third joined table in the database. In the example below I am trying to fetch the coaches which both have foo AND bar for their text value. I have tried different solutions with ‘or’ and ‘and’ in Grails which

Grails Sortable Column Issue

Here, when I click on Sortable Column ‘authority’ – sorting is not done and I am getting a page refresh with the following URL: role/indexList?sort=authority&order=asc Any help much appreciated. Thanks and a note to point that I am new to grails framework Answer You probably want Role.list(params) instead of Role.findAll().

Groovy HTTP ResponseParseException not found

I am trying to make simple GET request using groovy HTTP request. I am expecting JSON response in this form: So far I have done this in my code: and I am always getting this response: I have googled and found out that it’s problem related to groovy and this problem was not occurring before version 2.3.0, like this post

How do I configure PostgreSQL with Grails 3.0?

I am using IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.2 as an IDE. I have created a Grails 3.0 application and changed it a bit to configure PostgreSQL. Here is my dataSource: And in my build.gradle I added runtime “postgresql:postgresql:9.4-1207.jdbc4”. But that gives errors when I run: What have I missed? Answer Data source Build Config Change the jre number according to your db

Convert base64 string to image

I am trying to crop/resize user profile image using jquery plugin namely crop.js which sends user image as base64 via ajax to my controller as but I unable to decode this base64 string as Image,Can you guys guide me how can I save my base64 string as image on my server?. Answer This assumes a few things, that you know
