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Tag: hibernate-criteria

Criteria API join with filter

So I am trying to replace the following native SQL with JPA Criteria Api: or The entities look a bit like this: I implemented a I can use together with a JpaSpecificationExecutor like: and But I only get one side of the join/select like: when I do: How do I add the table to the select here? So the

How can I build a predicate filtering to where ALL tags in an array exist, joined to a record, using criteriaBuilder?

Here’s an example of the syntax I’m using for another condition (where ANY of the tags appear on the document via a FK). predicates.add(root.join(Document_.tags).in({ pseudocode array of tags })); I’m trying to come up with a similar predicate, but where the Document entity has ALL of the tags listed in the filter. Answer if all the tags listed in the

How to join 3 table using hibernate criteria?

I have three tables. parent parent_child_mapping child I want to join the 3 tables & filter by child name using ‘CriteriaBuilder’ & ‘Predicate’. How can i implement the below sql query using ‘CriteriaBuilder’ & ‘Predicate’. Parent entity Parent child mapping entity Child entity Answer You just create a root for every entity and add the condition to the where clause.

Groovy createCriteria issue with joined table

I have a domain class Coach which has a has many relationship to another domain class CoachProperty. Hibernate/Grails is creating a third joined table in the database. In the example below I am trying to fetch the coaches which both have foo AND bar for their text value. I have tried different solutions with ‘or’ and ‘and’ in Grails which

How to join two tables with a group query using Hibernate (5.4) Criteria?

This is my Project Entity: ( ) This is my Task Entity: ( ) Desired DTO: ( ) Table structure in database: tasks: id title description project_id projects: id name description The main question: What I need now is to join the “projects” table and “tasks” table grouping by the “project_id” column. And obtain List as output.

Criteria Restriction by date field

I have 2 tables, Partner and Visit. A partner can have many visits, also various in same day. I need to create a Criteria restriction to know how many days the Partner has visits since a given date. So, 2 or more visits in same date must be only one. Can this be done only by Criteria and Restrictions?? I
