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Tag: gradle

How to pass key/value pairs into JUnit test when clicking VSCode “Run Test” codelens

We set several key/value pairs in our file. (eg LOGIN_UID, LOGIN_PWD) We can successfully reference them in our build.gradle (eg $LOGIN_UID) and our JUnit tests (eg System.getProperty(“LOGIN_UID”) when running gradle test from the cmdline. However when clicking on a Run Test codelens within a JUnit’s Java file within VSCode are not passed in. Guessing the Gradle test task

How do I consume given dependency with multiple classifiers and extensions in Gradle?

I am trying to figure out how to consume the *.{so,jar} files listed in (see also the corresponding entry on as exemplified (with Maven) here, with Gradle 6.8.3 and a Kotlin configuration. Relevant parts of my code are The output I get is I already tried (1.) commenting out any two out of the three dependencies, (2.) reordering

Application build failed cause of Lombok

I’ve faced problem when building my project that uses Lombok after swapping to different git branch. I get multiple exceptions generally of these two types: for classes like I get for classes like I get in methods like And after all I get StackOverflowError. The problem is fixed after running gradle:clean -> gradle:build. But comes up again after swapping branch.

How to specify the Protobuf path using protobuf-gradle-plugin

I’m trying to generate Protobufs in a Java project that are defined in another Git repository that I’d like to add as a Git submodule. My build.gradle contains and I’ve included the protobufs repository (called my-protobufs) in the src/main/proto directory. The Protobufs are in turn located in a proto subdirectory of my-protobufs. A partial directory structure looks like this: The

How can i reverse my android studio to escape this PKIX path building failed:

I recently updated my flutter version to 2.0.0 and it worked fine on iOS after updating the pub packages versions to the latest. It unfortunately didn’t work on Android and i thought of updating the Android studio. Since then I have been getting certificate errors and I have tried the following, specified in other stackoverflow answers with no result: adding

Spring boot 2.3.3.RELEASE project fails build with exception “org.gradle.api.plugins.UnknownPluginException” in gradle version 5.6.3

my gradle version is 5.6.3. while I run a spring boot project of 2.3.3.RELEASE with ‘gradle clean build’ it shows me following error: Updating my question: my build.gradle : and my settings.gradle contains just the root project name Answer Spring boot 2.3.3.RELEASE definitely exists on gradle central plugin repository as I can see here. You’re most probably building behind a
