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Tag: autowired

Spring Boot Error @Autowired RestTemplateBuilder with junit

Trying to @Autowired a RestTemplate in Spring Boot 2.1.4 using RestTemplateBuilder. When i run junit tests i get an error when trying to autowired RestTemplate. I saw here: How to autowire RestTemplate using annotations It seems that RestTemplateBuilder is better so i would like to use that. This is the configuration file : This is the test class: The error

How to mock a autowired list of Spring beans?

I’ve read plenty of articles about how to mock Spring’s bean and their autowired fields. But there is nothing I could find about autowired lists of beans. Concrete problem I’ve a class called FormValidatorManager. This class loop through several validators which implements IFormValidator. I would like to test this class. But I can’t find a way to mock validators property.

How to autowire properties bean from Condition

Does have anyone way to autowire bean in Condition? There is an next example. We have 2 implementation of FileManager. One of implementation should be initialize in depends on property ‘platform’. Properties handles via Archaius. . . . This code doesn’t work. Main reason is because ArchaiusProperties bean doesn’t initialized when condition matches. Does have anyone way to initialize ArchaiusProperties

How Spring @Autowired binds the SessionFactory object even if there is no SessionFactory instance available

I’m using Hibernate and Spring with Java-based configurations. My config file is this one: Working fine. No problem with this, but when I manually try to set the sessionfactory parameter for trasactionManager, like this: The IDE is showing: So, I created a sessionFactory like below and passed to trasactionManager It worked. My question is how spring autowired the sessionFactory object

intellij incorrectly saying no beans of type found for autowired repository

I have created a simple unit test but IntelliJ is incorrectly highlighting it red. marking it as an error No beans? As you can see below it passes the test? So it must be Autowired? Answer I had this same issue when creating a Spring Boot application using their @SpringBootApplication annotation. This annotation represents @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration and @ComponentScan according to

How do I inject a logger into a field in the sample spring boot application?

What I want is to make spring autowire a logger. So, in other words, I want to have this working: Right now it throws an exception at startup: “No qualifying bean of type [org.slf4j.Logger] found for dependency…”. My pom.xml dependencies: I read this: It says if you use one of the starter poms (I do) Logback is used –
