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Tag: authentication

Isn’t SecurityContextHolder a Bean?

Trying to Autowire SecurityContextHolder I get error Turns out that it is available from any part of the code like How come it isn’t a bean and how does it get initialized under the hood? Are there other static utility classes like that available to be consumed from anywhere and how do I find them? Answer SecurityContextHolder is a utility

How to customize sso(single sign on) by keycloak?

sorry for my poor english… I ‘ll do my best to write question. Basically, keycloak provide loginPage where login form has a some name and value parameter determined by keycloak (forexample session_code, excustion, client_id, tab_id). this way is Server side randering(SSR). However, I want to login process with keycloak in API way. In this case, it’s not possible to use

SNMPv3 Get Request authorization problem for SNMP4J although working via net-snmp

Problem I have some troubles configuring SNMP4J as SNMPv3 manager for a simple Get-Request. SNMPv2 is working properly, both using net-snmp and SNMP4J. Setup On my local machine I have a running snmp daemon (via net-snmp). A snmpget using net-snmp works as expected: My SNMP4J implementation looks as follows: I sometimes used non-fluent syntax (e.g. target.setVersion()) since the corresponding fluent

Extend Micronaut CustomJWTClaimsSetGenerator to provide all attributes

I have the following two classes which provide the JWT authentication mechanisem. CustomDelegatingAuthenticationProvider CustomJWTClaimsSetGenerator The default response to the client looks like this: My question. How can I extend the class to return all user attributes? Besides username I want to have the user id. UPDATE HDS user class which gathers the DB id Answer To extend the returned data

PKIX path building failed in OAuth Authentication in Java

I am trying to Authenticate in discogs:,header:authentication-oauth-flow on the Point 2: SEND A GET REQUEST TO THE DISCOGS REQUEST TOKEN URL, I get this: on the POINT 3: REDIRECT YOUR USER TO THE DISCOGS AUTHORIZE PAGE, I’ve created this piece of code: But I got this error: but I get this error: Answer The error provided indicates that your

Java MongoDB Authentication Verification

I am trying to find a way to create a gui login for a database application that uses MongoDB. The server is 3.6 and the Java driver is 4.1.1. I can connect to the database and perform all CRUD operations via the application. I’m getting a little confused out how to write a simple authentication gui interface. It seems if
