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Tag: oauth

PKIX path building failed in OAuth Authentication in Java

I am trying to Authenticate in discogs:,header:authentication-oauth-flow on the Point 2: SEND A GET REQUEST TO THE DISCOGS REQUEST TOKEN URL, I get this: on the POINT 3: REDIRECT YOUR USER TO THE DISCOGS AUTHORIZE PAGE, I’ve created this piece of code: But I got this error: but I get this error: Answer The error provided indicates that your

Can’t add OAuth 2.0 scopes LinkedIn

I don’t have the ability to change OAuth scope in the Linkedin developers page. That’s why while trying to get an authorization code I get this error: You can see the OAuth scopes section in my profile. I just can’t set up any scopes. Answer Navigate to Products in the LinkedIn Developer Console and select Sign in with LinkedIn. The

Simple (Twitter + Streaming API + Java + OAuth) example

In my quest to create a simple Java program to extract tweets from Twitter’s streaming API, I have modified this ( code snippet to work with the OAuth method. The result is the below code, which when executed, throws a Connection Refused Exception. I am aware of Twitter4J however I want to create a program that relies least on other
