I’m a bit confused on how to sort this array using the following conditions: int[] array = { 3, 15, 7, 11, 6, 4, 1, 8, 10, 13 }; The conditions are as follows: The largest integer is first The second-largest integer is last The third-largest integer should be second The pattern continues, leaving the smallest number in the middle.
Tag: arrays
I want to be able to compare two manga’s ratings but I don’t know how to make it so I can input two titles that then grabs the scores to compare
I have the data for 10 different manga set in an array list and they go as title, rating, ongoing or not, and amount of chapters. I want to be able to input two different manga titles into a scanner and then have it compare the rating of the two to see which is higher. This is the code I
How to convert lower triangular matrix into a vector?
I want to convert my triangular matrix into a vector. Let’s say I have 7×7 lower triangular matrix. Something like this: And I need to convert this matrix into a vector ignoring zeros. So, the result should be: I have already made a matrix by the following code: But I don’t really get how to convert that into a vector.
How to end while loop for integer gathering array in java?
I am wring a program that askes the user to give any value they want as long as it is a whole number, and that value will be placed in a array. They can do this asmany times as they would like, until they add -1 to the array. I am having a hard time figurig out how to get
method to find the the distance of two characters of a string apart and entering them into an array
trying to solve this question for school “Given a string s and a character c, return a new list of integers of the same length as s where for each index i its value is set the closest distance of s[i] to c. You can assume c exists in s.” for example Input s = “aabaab” c = “b” Output
Java array: Finding index always returns the highest
Part of one of our assignments was to generate an array and then find the sum, average, lowest, and highest values. I have all of those working, but our teacher has asked us instead to return the index of the highest and lowest values plus one (to coincide with a month number). The issue I’m running into is that trying
Unexpected behaviour when inserting values into jobjectArray in JNI
Im trying to create a 1D jobjectArray. When printing from inside the loop, “args” array prints correct values but once it is out of the loop, only the last element gets printed repeatedly. This is “args” jobjectArray declaration: This is the loop used to insert values into the jobjectArray: ( rec_msg[] struct array has correct values and there are no
How to create an array with random numbers and send it to listener without randomizing it again?
So i’m trying to create a program that create an array of 100 random numbers (without changing everytime user reacts to it), and allow users to check the numbers by entering the index of it. However, the array keep randomizing everytime the user pressed the Show Element button. I also tried to create the array on the main program, but
Problems using circular array to take inputs and stop/print the last 10 elements once “-1” is entered
I have a Java program that should be doing what the above title describes. Unfortunately, I am now having the issue of having nothing but zeros and a Error message no matter what I input into Scanner. The code: The output: Answer Like Namandeep_Kaur comment said, your for loop condition is incorrect. You want it to be i < 10
Method that scans array for most common word length, but sends error message if two different elements have the same length
I have a method that takes in an array (created by Scanner input in main) and sorts the array to find the most common words before printing the length of those words. However, I’m also trying to have an error message pop up if two different elements have the same length; this is where I’m having trouble getting started. Method: