I am struggling with the problem of having applications of loops and arrays. I have a variable “n” which represents the limit of the loop, i.e. if n = 3, the array would look like: arr[1,2,3,…
Tag: arrays
An array is monotonic if it is either monotone increasing or monotone decreasing
Can anyone please explain how the return value is working. Answer increasing || decreasing means increasing OR decreasing. If either variable is true then the whole method will return true, otherwise it will return false. || is the logical OR operator.
String[] no longer working in visual code studio
I updated Visual Studio Code, created a new file and messed around with Java and something broke. Can someone please help me out? import java.util.*; public class test { public static void main(…
How to Insert Data To Array
I want to save a “AromaNorm” into NormalisasiT1 array, but i had a error : AWT-EventQueue-0 java.lang.NullPointerException Can you help me? Here the Code Answer you should initialize the array the array is null so it throws NPE.
Add Mutlidimensional Array to ArrayList
I want to add a multidimensional Boolean Array to an ArrayList. How do I do that? Below is an simple example: public boolean[][] BooleanArray; ArrayList BooleanArrayList= new …
What’s the shortest code to return a new array with only the first 2 elements of a given array?
While I was practicing Java problems on CodingBat I came across following problem statement. Problem Given an integer array of any length, return a new array of its first 2 elements. If the array is smaller than length 2, use whatever elements are present. Example My solution My question Though I have solved this question, my solution looks a bit
Program not printing element at index 0
I’m working on case 3 and I need to print some details about the 3 instances for the Airplane class and the BatMobile class. The loop only prints out elements at index 1 and 2 and the other 3 …
Trying to search through JSON in Java
I am using the Marvel API to try and get the names of heroes based on what the user has typed inside of the search box. The search functionality works I am pretty sure as it will search through a …
Scrolling text effect on 2D array
For a project I am working on I would like to be abbe to “scroll” an array like so: Here is the code I have so far: private boolean[][] display = this.parseTo8BitMatrix(“Here”); private int scroll = …
Displaying an ArrayList alphabetically
I have a class written that takes a string, counts the occurrences of each letter within the string and then prints the occurrences of each. I want this to be displayed alphabetically, but not sure …