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get removable sd card path in android

How can i get extSdcard path in android? There are 2 storage, first external storage in which all the phones have it but there is second storage which is called removable storage (micro sdcard). I want to get the path to the micro sdcard in android, how is that possible? Answer Starting from KitKat, you have access to a method

Java 8 modify stream elements

I wanted to write pure function with Java 8 that would take a collection as an argument, apply some change to every object of that collection and return a new collection after the update. I want to follow FP principles so I dont want to update/modify the collection that was passed as an argument. Is there any way of doing

ThreeTen-Backport error on Android – ZoneRulesException: No time-zone data files registered

I’m using ThreeTen-Backport library for my Android project (because java.time is not yet implemented in android development). When I write LocalDate; or LocalTime; I get the following exception: The same line of code works well in another java project I have, which uses the native java.time library. I searched for a possible solution but couldn’t find anything useful:

Best solution for an anagram check?

I’m going through a permutation/anagram problem and wanted input on the most efficient means of checking. Now, I’m doing this in Java land, and as such there is a library for EVERYTHING including sorting. The first means of checking if two string are anagrams of each other is to check length, sort them in some manner, then compare each index

jOOQ can I fetch a join of two tables into the respective POJOs

In jOOQ if I want to fetch a row of a table into a jOOQ autogenerated POJOs I do, for instance: Now, suppose that I want to do a join between two tables, e.g. USER and ROLE, how can I fetch the result into the POJOs for these two tables? Answer Using nested collections With more recent versions of jOOQ,
