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What is ‘scope’ in Java?

I just started coding. I want to use a switch statement twice for the same variable, and I was told that to do this the variable would have to be ‘in scope’. Being a beginner, I have no idea what that means. So what does being in scope mean? And, if a variable isn’t in scope, how do I make

Cannot import org.h2.server.web.WebServlet

I am trying to configure my spring boot application to use h2 console. I found some articles and all of them use webServlet. But I can not import the class although I have h2 dependency added in my pom.xml. I get this error message can not resolve the symbol WebServlet. My import line Below is my pom.xml and my

Java Using proxy settings in jar

I’m doing a webscraping with jar i created, which uses a proxy. My question is that i have large project where more webscrapers will work in paralel. Using this code: will affect the others webscrapers? Answer If you run them as separate processes, then each process has its own system properties. If you are running them in one process as

Android Vector Icon – Add a border

I’m wondering if it may be possible to add a white border to a Android Vector Icon (xml format). I’ve tried to overlap a bigger version of the icon itself, but the result it’s not as I was expecting (as you can see in the attached images). Is there a way to modify the xml to enlarge a bit the

Promise through JSONException

I have the following code with which I’m trying to get all my versions from jira with a jira API: This code thow me an exception that I don’t understand: And if you follow the line where is showing me the reason, is returning me the JSONArray that I need to get in order to achieve my goal. So, the

No Java folder located in Library despite JDK installation

Currently running OSX El Capitan on a recently set up computer. I’m trying to set up Java’s unlimited crypto policy which requires me to modify some files within my current jre, but I can’t find the Java folder that is supposed to be located within Library. I’ve run /usr/libexec/java_home which shows me /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_91.jdk/Contents/Home however within my Library folder, there is
