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RabbitMQ java client stops consuming messages

My application consumes some messages from RabbitMQ and processes them. I have about 10 queues and each queue has up to ten consumers (threads). I have a prefetch of 5. I’m running my setup in Heroku using the CloudAMQP plugin (RabbitMQ as a service). I’m running with the default heartbeat and connection timeout settings (60 seconds). My java application is

How to check if contours are the same?

I’ve got two images, the second one is the first one after modification. I find contours of two images and then check if there any same contours. The problem is, that despite contours being the same (drawing contours of one image and another one gives totally same results) after checking that it never becomes true that one contour is equal

Making a Snackbar Without a View?

I want to show a snackbar as soon as the user opens the Google Maps activity, but the thing is that there’s no views in the activity to use as the first parameter of the activity (in the findViewById() of Snackbar.make()). What do I put there? Here’s the java class code: Also, here is the activity xml code: And lastly,

Migrate frontend-maven-plugin from maven to gradle

I have a com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin in my maven project. Now I need to migrate it into gradle but I can’t find examples how to do it. Grade migration tool translates only dependencies but not plugins. Is there some examples, how can I use frontend-maven-plugin in gradle? Answer You may not find any example on how to use the frontend-maven-plugin in Gradle,

Apache Log4j2 package specific logging using log4j2.xml

I am using log4j2. But the problem that I am facing is that it logs all logs. I want to … log from specific package to a specific file & other package to another file. I am using log4j2.xml for configuration. Please can someone help? log4j2.xml Answer Just answered the question. log4j2.xml Removed the <AppenderRef level=”DEBUG” ref=”fileAppender” /> from root

What is the difference between ObjectNode and JsonNode in Jackson?

According to the documetation of JsonNode: Most mutators, however, need to be accessed through specific sub-classes (such as ObjectNode and ArrayNode). However I am still confused since some stackoverflow answers seem to use them quite interchangeably. What different purpose do they serve? Answer JsonNode is a base class that ObjectNode and ArrayNode extend. JsonNode represents any valid Json structure whereas
