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Tag: cordova

cordova gradle build SUCCESSFUL turns into FAILED

cordova gradle build SUCCESSFUL and then turns into FAILED. Maybe something is wrong with the versions? It seems to download a lower gradle version in the middle… why? Starting with versions: Gradle 7.3.3, Cordova 10.0.0, Java/JDK 17.0.2 – Here is the transcript (leaving only the main things): Answer After struggling for hours to find the correct versions, it appears that

How to build cordova project with Kotlin

I have a cordova project folder www already in progress. Build this and you will have an Android project. This will create a file. I don’t know Java so I changed the file to MainActivity.kt and converted the internal code. But when I run it, it doesn’t run as error. Build cordova: Created converted MainActivity.kt: Get error….: 2020-03-09
