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Tag: appium

MobileElement not exist in java-client 8.0.0

I can’t find a way to import MobileElement for code I copy after following this guide: in Appium for testing Android. But the recorded code has MobileElement, so I do the same by downloading libraries from this site: This is my library which was downloaded from But later, it showed me that it doesn’t have MobileElement library,

How to find an element by mobile xpath with Appium matching @text attribute with a regular expression (regex)?

I’m automating Android apps using Selenium-Appium (Java) and I got some difficult to address the following need: I have an element that doesn’t have any of ID or ACCESSIBILITY ID configured. But I’ve noticed that its value is a fixed pattern, a date, like “dd/MM/yyyy”. So, I need “to get element in screen which pattern fits with ‘dd/MM/yyyy’ date pattern”.

Appium – Pick Two days after a specific day of month

I am trying to pick two days after the current day of month. In my StepImplementation class, i wrote a function like this but it gives me an error: For my String day parameter, it shows me this error: Parameter count mismatch(found 1 expected 0) with step annotation : ‘pick two days after current day’ Basically, i am trying to

How to click search field in play store android appium?

enter image description hereI cant click google play store search field How can i click and sendkeys search field play store. Answer Make sure your driver is not null. Try to find the search field by CSS Like this: android.widget.EditText[*] Or android.widget.EditText[] Or by Xpath: //*[@value=’Uygulama ve oyun arayın’]

how to convert findElementByAndroidUIAutomator in Page Factory Format for Appium

I am currently designing Appium Android framework based on page object and page Factory. I have a below line of code which uses “findElementByAndroidUIAutomator”. I wanted to convert it to page Factory format like below example. As I checked I didn’t not find any definite answers regarding this. Just wanted to check as findElementByAndroidUIAutomator is android function not appium. So

Appium – AUT is not installed

I am testing an iOS application (on a real device) and encountering the following error: It would be helpful if someone could point out why the Selenium is throwing this error. I am able to manually connect to the UFT Mobile device and it works fine. My code is: The partial stacktrace is attached here Answer After so many

Unable to open UIAutomatorviewer on Mac High Sierra

We have brand new MacBooks with High Sierra (10.13.6). Other system info: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.1+13-LTS) JAVA_HOME: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.0.1.jdk/Contents/Home When tried to open Android UIAutomatorViwer we’re getting following error: /Library/Android/sdk/tools/lib is not supported. Use -classpath instead. Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit. logout Saving session… …copying shared
