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Tag: rabbitmq

RabbitMQ Streams

Using this document as a reference: I have created a stream in RabbitMQ and added 1 million messages to it. I’m trying to read back all of the messages in the stream by doing the following: However, this will only print up to message 499. How do i see all of the messages in the stream? Answer Since your

Does Spring AMQP CorrelationData getFuture wait indefinitely without timeout?

In the context of Publisher confirms, when waiting for the CorrelationData’s future (SettableListenableFuture#get()) – does it wait indefinitely or is there a timeout configured under the water? Answer It does wait indefinitely. There is just no any opinion and everything is delegated directly to the java.util.concurrent.FutureTask internally in the org.springframework.util.concurrent.SettableListenableFuture implementation. Not sure why the question, but in normal situation

Gatling JMS scenario does not terminate

I am trying to loadtest a simple request/reply scenario over a rabbitmq broker. This scenario sends a simple text message to the defined queue and then wait on the defined replyQueue for an answer. On the other side of the request queue is simple message listener that reads the JMSReplyTo field and sends a message to that destination. In the

What kind of threading model changes led to DMLC

The doc explains why DMLC was introduced in version 2: This architecture was required because, in early versions of the RabbitMQ client, multiple concurrent deliveries were not possible. Newer versions of the client have a revised threading model and can now support concurrency. This has allowed the introduction of the DMLC where the listener is now invoked directly on

Rabbit MQ doesn’t flush acks?

The problem appeared in logs: Consumer failed to start in 60000 milliseconds; does the task executor have enough threads to support the container concurrency? We try to open handlers for like 50 queues dynamically by SimpleMessageListenerContainer.addQueueNames(), then application is started. It consumes some messages, but the RabbitMQ admin panel shows that they are unacked. After a significant amount of time,

Dynamically configure RabbitMQ users and permissions with Java Spring AMQP

For security reasons, I want to configure separate user accounts with specific permissions to isolates queues in RabbitMQ. As users need to be a dynamic (adding new, removing deactivated…) I would like to achieve this with Java Spring AMQP. Creating queues, exchanges and bindings is possible with The RabbitMQ Management HTTP API provides also features regarding the user management, as

Sending messages from Java to RabbitMQ using com.rabbitmq.http.client.Client

I’m trying to send messages from a Java service to RabbitMQ. I’m using some Java RabbitMQ client library and trying to run the following code: In the last line (Client objectinitialization), the following error is thrown: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/http/converter/json/Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder I think I might be missing something in my pom.xml or maybe something with the version of Spring. However, I have not
