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Tag: rabbitmq

Temporarily stop consuming RabbitMQ messages and resume later

I use Java’s rabbitmq-client ( and I need to implement the following scenario: While receiving Rabbit messages, I may need to pause Rabbitmq consumption from particular queues if I suspect that all awaiting data will not fit in memory. After I processed some messages, I need to open consumption again for the following set of messages. Repeat as needed. What

RabbitMQ java client stops consuming messages

My application consumes some messages from RabbitMQ and processes them. I have about 10 queues and each queue has up to ten consumers (threads). I have a prefetch of 5. I’m running my setup in Heroku using the CloudAMQP plugin (RabbitMQ as a service). I’m running with the default heartbeat and connection timeout settings (60 seconds). My java application is
