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Spring and JMS DynamicDestinationResolution

I am using the latest Spring 4 and ActiveMQ to put JMS messages on a queue. Using the JMSTemplate, I have a default queue, and the sample code I have lets me put a message on the default queue with no issues. There is also a sample code that lets me put a message on a Destination … this is

Jhipster4: what are the benefits of using DTO

Jhipster4 adds Data Transfer Objects (DTO) just what is the benefit of using DTO objects? Answer Main benefit is to control more precisely which properties you expose from your entities and also to expose entity aggregates rather than single entities.

Java Hibernate @SafeHtml not allows url links

I need to have XSS filter in my textfield, but i need to allow certain html tags for text formatting (bold, italic, etc), and i also need to allow url links like: So in my entity class i added whitelist: But it still gives me the following error: Answer You have two problems one is that style attribute is not

Synchronize Gradle projects with workspace failed

I’ve the Spring Tool Suite v3.8.3 and its component Spring IDE v3.8.4.201702201939-CI-B1500. I’ve also the Gradle Buildship v2.0. I created a project with JHipster v4.0.5 but is not possible to import it. (there were not errors before the Gradle Buildship 2). Below the error: Synchronize Gradle projects with workspace failed due to an unsupported configuration in the referenced Gradle build.

Creating a New JMeter Test Purely in Java for Java Sampler

I’ve created a JMeter Java request and copied the jar to ext directory (apache-jmeter-3.1libext). I’m trying to run the test on a remote machine. From the GUI I’m able to configure and run the Java request. Also able to invoke the test via Java code using the JMX file as below. Now I want to creating a New JMeter Test

Apache Flink – custom java options are not recognized inside job

I’ve added the following line to flink-conf.yaml: “-Ddy.props.path=/PATH/TO/PROPS/FILE” when starting jobmanager ( start cluster) I see in logs that the jvm option is indeed recognized but when I run a flink job (flink run -d PROG.JAR), System.getProperty(“dy.props.path”) returns null (and when printing the system properties, I see that it is indeed absent.) The question really is – how do

If we can directly do action composition using @With annotation then why do we need to create custom annotations using interfaces?

When we are using Play Framework Action Composition we can directly use the @With annotation, as explained here. Alternatively, we can define custom action annotations. But what are the advantages of defining your own annotations? It’s like we are just adding a middle-man (interface). And one more doubt: while implementing the action class we use generics to specify a corresponding

Disable logging from log4j 2 library, how?

I’m using log4j 2 for logging and want to turn off the log messages from the library itself, e.g.: I got the following in my log4j2.XML file but I still get DEBUG messages like the one above: This question is not a duplicate of Disabling Log4J Output in Java because I don’t want to turn off all output, only the
