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Remove character ‘u202A’ 8234 from string

I am trying to get character at 0 index in a string: So I use this function after I query contact, but I found strange result. Normal input & output: And this the strange input and result: So I try to debug this account and I found when app try to get character at 0 the return is ‘u202A’ 8234,

JSch: Is there a way to expose user environment variables to “exec” channel?

I am trying to run commands which uses local Linux logical paths like cat $test_dir/test.dat, but the logical path $test_dir (which is a user environment variable) is not available via ChannelExec. But when I use interactive ChannelShell, I am able to see the user variables and the commands run fine on the interactive session. I can view system level environment

Java Regex First Name Validation

I understand that validating the first name field is highly controversial due to the fact that there are so many different possibilities. However, I am just learning regex and in an effort to help grasp the concept, I have designed some simple validations to create just try to make sure I am able to make the code do exactly what

JUnitParams with Mockito

This could be a XY problem but I want to ask: I am using JUnitParams to be able to run my test method 10 times with different objects. The problem is that the injections don’t work (@Mock and @InjectMocks). I can use to mock the PersonService in the @Test method. But how do mock the “main” object that is annotated

Reverse Linked-List Recursive

I’ve traced through my code to reverse a linked-list using recursion, and I cannot find anything wrong with it, but I know it does not work. Can anyone please explain why? Answer Below is a working version of your code, added with some helping structures:

Is it possible to mix –class-path and –module-path in javac (JDK 9)?

When I compile a module that depends on other modules I’ve compiled previously I have to specify the –module-path <directory> option. This makes modules I depend on visible. But at the same time I would also like to make some non-modular Jar files visible. However if don’t make them automatic modules and just specify the –class-path some.jar right next to
