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Tag: module-path

Add JavaFX jmods to java –list-modules

Preface: I need to open .jar files which requires Java and JavaFX. I have installed both Java (from Oracle website) and JavaFX (SDK from openjfx website). I have added environment variables by updating /etc/environment file, and adding JAVAFX_HOME=”path/to/JavaFX”. /etc/environment file looks like: For now, I can get a .jar file running by executing: java –module-path $JAVAFX_HOME –add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH -jar myfile.jar

JavaFX and Maven in Intellij: JAVA_HOME set but “Unrecognized option –module-path” error persisting

Using Maven and JavaFX in Intellij (2019.1). I have been following this tutorial. I have a curious error that keeps occurring – every time I keep running the javafx:run plugin, it fails, giving this error: However, when I put the executable in the javafx-maven-plugin (<executable>”C:Program FilesJavajdk-12.0.1binjava.exe”</executable>) it works. I am on Windows and have set the JAVA_HOME system environment variable

Eclipse issue with java 9 and maven

I installed Version: Oxygen.1a Release (4.7.1a) Build id: 20171005-1200 supporting Java 9. With suggested configuratio on eclipse.ini I have developed by java 9 (java 9 modularity) code project to test dependency injection as pure Java prject from eclipse, but when I have integrated Maven running my from eclipse I get systematically the following error Error occurred during initialization of boot

Is it possible to mix –class-path and –module-path in javac (JDK 9)?

When I compile a module that depends on other modules I’ve compiled previously I have to specify the –module-path <directory> option. This makes modules I depend on visible. But at the same time I would also like to make some non-modular Jar files visible. However if don’t make them automatic modules and just specify the –class-path some.jar right next to
