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Tag: java-7

void with Generics in Java

I have a function that returns void Generic method Implementation of generic interface How can I use void in IRequestHandler<DeleteProductCommand, Void> so that I can map void from iProductService.delete(; Answer Option 1: Just return null: Option 2: Update the IProductService::delete method to return something meaningful, e.g. a boolean value like Collection::remove does:

How to read .rpt files in Java and save it as pdf

I have a .rpt file. I want to read it programatically in java and save it in pdf file. I followed the solution multithread pdf conversion My source code provided below After running my code I am unable to read the .rpt file and my pdf file becomes empty. Please help me out. Answer Finally I get a solution using

Can’t run Maven 3.6.3 on JDK7

According to the Maven release history, it should be possible to run any recent version of Maven (at the time of writing anyway) on JDK 7. However, when I try to do so on my Ubuntu 21.04 machine, I get an error: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/google/inject/Module : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0. It happens even while running mvn without any parameters in a

Can’t figure out why ScriptEngine engine is null in code

This is some of the code I’m running for a MapleStory server. Whenever a script for an event like talking to an NPC is supposed to occur, this script will be run to create a scripting path for whatever script is being called up (NPC, portal, event etc.). I am also using jdk1.7.0_80 This is the bat error I receive:

Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/jsonwebtoken/Jwts

i am using jjwt-0.9.1.jar and runtime gives this exception for jersey reset API call. When i use this code using java main() method, its works perfectly but when i call from servlet to that class, the method throws exception. When call servlet to java class method i.e.createJWTToken() gives following exception in tomcat. Answer The exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/jsonwebtoken/Jwts Check the

Oracle 19c compatibility with jdk7

I would like to know if oracle 19c is compatible with jdk 7. I have found out 2 drivers for oracle 19c ojdbc8 : for jdk8, jdk9 and jdk11 ojdbc10 : for jdk10 and jdk11 I would like to know if there is a way to have oracle 19c with a jdk7, and if yes what is the driver that

Invalid flag -parameters in java 1.7

I have the task to create the spring-boot application using Java 7. So, as usual, I created a template on resource and open him via File -> New -> Project from Existing Sources… When I run with jdk-8, everything works fine, but when I change JDK to version 1.7 (also I change java-version in pom.xml) I get a compilation
