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Ordered or unordered Sequence problem in java

I am facing problem in solving the question below:- (can someone please help????) Write a program that reads a sequence of integer numbers and outputs true if the sequence is ordered (in ascending or descending order), otherwise, false. Keep in mind, if a number has the same value as the following number, it does not break the order. The sequence

Sonar with multi-module gradle project

I have java and kotlin based multi module gradle project. I am trying to setup sonar analysis for the same. I configured sonar at root project and ran analysis with CircleCI. The result in sonarcloud gets for only one of the sub-project. My project structure is as below: projectA/build.gradle ProjectB/build.gradle ProjectC/build.gradle build.gradle Here is my root build.gradle. Answer Need to

JPA cascade actions on one-to-one relationship

I have the following question regarding one to one relationships (and I guess one to many also): Let’s suppose I have the following tables: As you can see the two tables share the same primary key. Now the entities I created are the following: When I try to persist a new user I have a user object with all the

Selenium Edge WebDriver (Chromium) – session not created: No matching capabilities found

I’m trying to run a Selenium test with Java and Edge driver (based on Chromium). The version of my Edge Dev installed on Windows 10 is 83.0.478.37 (Official build dev 64-bit): Selenium Version : 3.141.59 I’m using webdrivermanager setup for this and used the example provided here. I tried many options it includes without using webdriver manager but still gives
