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Tag: chromium

PDFBox How to set PDF document security printing to low resolution

TL;DR; How can PDFBox be used to generate a PDF with “low resolution” under Document Seurity > Details > Printing? I’m trying to create a PDF using Java and I’m trying to set the value of the printing property, under document security, to low resolution. I’m trying to do this because the application I’m working on, stumbled across this chrome

Selenium Edge WebDriver (Chromium) – session not created: No matching capabilities found

I’m trying to run a Selenium test with Java and Edge driver (based on Chromium). The version of my Edge Dev installed on Windows 10 is 83.0.478.37 (Official build dev 64-bit): Selenium Version : 3.141.59 I’m using webdrivermanager setup for this and used the example provided here. I tried many options it includes without using webdriver manager but still gives
