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Tag: pdfbox

PDFBox search for text on specific page in new PDF

I’m searching a way to check my new PDF for a specific String on every page. The idea is to go on every page and if project name is missing from the page to add it (before saving the pdf – FileOutputStream(new File(pathToFile))); I already tried: FileOutputStream(new File(pathToFile))); PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(new File(pathToFile)); the result is : Hello

How to scale a PDAnnotation?

I have a pdf that has been passed to me with a signature (annotation) and I have to scale the pdf, but when I scale the pdf the annotation does not scale, and it comes out out out of shape. Any suggestions? I’ll show you the code of the method and the pdf before and after PDF BEFORE PDF AFTER

Convert pdf to Postscript using Java

I recently posted a question how to convert a PDF byte[] to Postscript. According to comment, it’s not possible. I was anyway looking into this other question on how to transform a pdf to Postscript. But still cannot get it working. I got my PDF saved already, how would I get an already existing PDF converted to Postscript? Any way

PDFBox How to set PDF document security printing to low resolution

TL;DR; How can PDFBox be used to generate a PDF with “low resolution” under Document Seurity > Details > Printing? I’m trying to create a PDF using Java and I’m trying to set the value of the printing property, under document security, to low resolution. I’m trying to do this because the application I’m working on, stumbled across this chrome

PDF Signature invalid but Verfiy Signature with PDFBox2 is valid (true)

Sample PDF download: So when the PDF is opened in A.Reader (Contineous release) it says the Certificate is invalid as Changes have been made to this document that rendered the signature invalid. But I can’t see what/where is changed. Only a Signature (certificate) was added with our own application that adds correct signatures for thousands of other PDFs. No

Issues with enclosing PDDoucment

I have implemented a program that will print data into a pdf however I am facing this issue I know there have been similar issues posted but I could not find the solution to my problem from them. What I am doing is that I initialized two documents one of them being the main document(doc) the other for the rest

Accessing a COSArray for PDF fields with Apache PDFBox

I’m trying to access all form fields in a PDF file – so I can use code to fill them in – and this is as far as I’ve gotten: which gives an output of: Does anyone know how I can access the two COSObjects in the COSArray? I also don’t know what the notation COSObject{x, y} means, and can’t

PDFBox 2.0.9 – creating TOC with multiple pages

I’m working on PDF Toc. It generates the first page but when I have more elements I did logic to create a new page for TOC. I’m using PDF Box and that PDPageContentStream. I had to create a function to calculate how many pages I need. Then I’m creating the exact amount of pages in the list and add them
