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The program cannot do compareTo function after the object’s update information

I am trying to change the position of the product in the print menu after updating some information of the product. Specifically, arrange “Quantity” in descending order. If the products have same quantity, the list will be sorted with the ascending “UnitPrice” field. Initially, if i add one more product, compareTo() function works fine, but after i use product update

Add more element to a 3×3 2D array

I’m writing an inventory list program, that provides the user with option of adding an item to the list of exiting the program. To add an item the user enters 1 and is promoted to enter the item details( item name, price and quantity of the items). The information enter by the user is entered into a 3×3 2D array

Application not compatible with older Android versions

I’m generating an Android application via mvn -Pandroid gluonfx:build gluonfx:package. Here are the versions from the POM: Using graalvm-svm-java17-linux-gluon- The application works well on Android 8. However, when trying to install it on Android 7.0, a message pops up saying that the application is not compatible with the device. I’m not sure where the default version is specified, but following

Build war files for services when modules are modified

I have a monorepo with the following structure: My end goal here is to deploy the application’s war files to aws via GitHub actions. I am able to deploy individual services whenever there are changes in them, with the command mvn clean install -Dmaven.clean.failOnError=false -f services/foo/pom.xml. However, I am not sure how to update the services whenever a module it

Locking execution within CompletableFuture

I need to post-process result of CompletableFuture.supplyAsync execution to get intermediate result. My code looks following In a result I’m facing with java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException on .thenAccept(resultPerBatch -> { line Seems like I’m using lock in wrong way but I cannot figure out how to avoid this kind of exception. Answer There’s no guarantee that the Function passed to thenApply and

Containerizing executables in Java

I have a CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework) application I am controlling with Selenium. Normally the application does not allow multiple instances of it to be running at the same time since it modifies directly its root files. I need to be able to run multiple instances (controlled by Selenium) though and some kind of containerization is therefore needed, correct? I’ve

How can I unit-test Exception thrown inside a Lambda?

I have a method: This is how the user authorization test looks like: Is there any way to check the case when a user has entered the wrong password? In the case when I send the wrong password, it doesn’t work because given(this.repository.findByEmail(this.user.getEmail())).willReturn(Optional.of(this.user)); makes repository.findByEmail() return the result before you get to checking the password. Answer You don’t need this

Search in List of X509CRL’s

I have a list of X509 CRL’s. I need to identify some of them somehow. Right now I do it using issuer: But there’s gotta be a better way to do that using knowledge of CRL file format, maybe with comparing public keys or something like that, but I don’t know much about X509CRL’s. Can someone help me out? Answer
