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Retrieve a list of cart items by passing in a user

A typical shopping cart problem. The CartItem class is being injected with a User class and Product class. I already have a user, and I need to pass in the user to return a list of cart items. But the front end failed to receive it. The browser console returned 400, and Postman returned 405 for the back end. In

Reading a file and saving each line into a variable

For a project of mine, I’m trying to read a file of Integers and save each line into a file. Each of the files I’m reading have a different amount of lines. The file would look like 17 72 61 11 63 95 100 Is there a way I can use a loop and save the value in a different

Why is the or-Matcher not working in my Mockito verify?

I would like to verify that either of the following two method calls get executed once: I have tried the following: But running the test method resulted in the following error: When I just test for a single method call as follows.. runs fine and my test is always successful when logWarn() gets called with argument “My 1st Warning

Why does jshell show this number?

I am learning java and this logic makes me feel confused. Isn’t here i=20(+1)+20(+1)? Why 41 instead of 42? See this code run at Answer Effectively, the expression i=i++ + i++; is equal to i=i++ + i;. Why? The latter i++ result value is never used and is not propagated. The result of the postfix addition i++ is used

How to add health endpoint in Apache Tomcat 9?

I am using Apache Tomcat 9 server as a Maven dependency in my project. It is working fine and now I need to add a health endpoint so that it will return 200 OK if everything is running fine. I came to know about HealthCheckValve ( option in Tomcat 9 which is helpful. But I am not been able to
