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How to make an app using swing that only uses 1 JFrame?

I am making an app or (something.exe). I want to make a class that will serve as my main frame. That is because I don’t want to create new frame for each class that I will make. I want my class MainMenu to have the Frame of MainFrame where I can put buttons and etc. Answer Make use of Model-view-controller

Replace @PathVariable object with ID only for Springdoc

I am currently trying to migrate from Springfox to Springdoc. Most of my endpoints contain a @PathVariable Instance. Obviously I am only passing in the ID of the instance and Spring would automatically resolve the object for me. Here is an example: Called as /api/myInstance/role. Springfox would handle this correctly for me, only generating {instance} as a String mapping to

How to get id data from database deleting – setOnLongClickListener ERROR

I have a recyclerview and sql lite database. I keep city names in SQLite database and display them in recyclerview. When the city is setOnclickListener in the recyclerview, the city’s weather is shown and I do this by taking the city’s id from the sql lite database. arrayList.get(position).id it worked in setOnClickListener but it doesnt work setOnLongClickListener I want to

Unclosed character class while replacing string with regex

I want to remove a string at the beginning of another. Example: Begin Removed Final “n123 : other” Yes other “123 : other” No Error “n4 : smth” Yes smth “123 : a” No Error Thanks to Regexr, I made this regex: I tried to use it in Java. With string.matches() I don’t have any error. But, with string.replaceFirst, I

What is difference between RequestContextFilter and OncePerRequestFilter in spring?

Spring documentation for Class RequestContextFilter mentions that this filter exposes the request to the current thread, through both LocaleContextHolder and RequestContextHolder. Can someone please explain how this is different from OncePerRequestFilter class, and how can I implement such a filter? Answer You can look at RequestContextFilter source code. It actually extends OncePerRequestFilter and implements the abstract method doFilterInternal to initializes

spring rest @RequestBody does not validate with @Valid

I’m learning java and spring boot and I am trying to validate a controller parameter which was bound from json. I’ve got simple Entity: Which I want to persist through the following controller: My understanding is that the resource argument should be valid when entering the method. But posting an empty uri field does not trigger the validation of the
