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Gatling JMS scenario does not terminate

I am trying to loadtest a simple request/reply scenario over a rabbitmq broker. This scenario sends a simple text message to the defined queue and then wait on the defined replyQueue for an answer. On the other side of the request queue is simple message listener that reads the JMSReplyTo field and sends a message to that destination. In the

SelfMutate stage failing with CodePipeline

I’m trying to create a CI/CD using CDK pipeline with the import in Java. This pipeline creates another stack named xxxJavaxxxStack. The pipeline is able to connect to external github, which, when change is detected, triggers the pipeline. In the class I’m calling both the stacks xxxJavaxxxStack and xxxPipelinexxxStack. I have successfully been able to cdk synth both

Which import should be considered?

Consider the following code snippet. This code compiles well with Java 11 even though I thought it should not. Observable is also a java class in java.util and I do not understand how the compiler knows whether to use Observable from java.util or my custom package rx. Note that java.util.Observable was deprecated in Java 9, however, I don’t think so

Log4j ThreadContext.clear() not available with auto-complete?

according to the Log4j documentation I can call ThreadContext.clear(); but in my IDE I do not get clear() as an available method and I also get compilation errors, I only see clearAll(), etc., why? What is missing on the classpath? Log4j Version 2.16.0 is used. Answer As per, the clear() method is replaced with clearMap() (it was already deprecated

Java Generics – Type must be from Class T “or” extend S

I am developing a ComboBox (more for context than actual significance), and I would like to know if the “or” operator exists in Java generics. For now, the declaration looks something like that: Where ComboBoxItem is an interface I created for items that can be used in the ComboBox. However, I’d also like to accept String as a type, which

When to use Functional Interface vs Function

I am using Java 11, and we have two ways of passing in functions as an argument. functional interface Function<T, Y> Now I am not able to find anything on when to use which one. I can figure that we can use a generic functional interface over a Function<T,Y> when we either don’t want to pass any arguments or have

maven repository with BigQuery Simba JDBC Connector

I’m starting new backend application that will operate on BigQuery. Would love to check Simba JDBC Connector, but my main blocker is no Maven repository with it. It complicates startup significantly. …
