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Unable to generate interface with openapi-generator-gradle-plugin

I’m trying to generate models and controller interfaces with openapi-generator-gradle-plugin. The problem I’m having is that the plugin in generating classes instead of interfaces. A generated class looks like this: While I’m trying to generate an interface, so that I can implement it in my rest controller. When looking at the configuration, I assumed that the interfaceOnly parameter will make

GSON flat down map to other fields

So I have an Android app which uses Retrofit for API. I have a class like which looks like: When GSON creates a JSON it looks like: Would it be possible to change JSON serialization to: Thanks. Answer Here is how Gson could be used to implement the flattening: I’ve put some comments explaining “whats” and “hows”. But it would

Parsing multiple JSON objects that exist in one line in Java

I’m currently using the OMDB API, which can either return get-queries as JSON objects or XML. Working with JSON is something I’d like to learn, and it generally seems like best solution for what I’m trying to do. The implementation I’m hoping for, is to allow the user to search for a movie, and select the correct one from a

Is there any scenario where heap pollution from parameterized vararg type occurs without an explicit `Object[]` conversion?

I have been looking at various answers and articles regarding heap pollution when using non-reifiable varargs parameters. All examples I have found use an Object[] conversion followed by an array element write. The heap pollution only ever seems to occur in this manner, for example: Some other articles (such as this SO answer) also appear to be incorrect or entirely

How can i connect to the oracle database between docker containers?

I have two containers that is created from docker-compose, one has api with springboot and the other oracle database, however it does’n connect the api to the database and I already ran out options, I tried configure the connection in the and also docker-compose.yml This is docker-compose.yml Dockerfile (The connection was commented because in the docker-compose it’s configured)

Switch statement with Try Catch Exception Java

I’ve got a main menu I’m creating for a program using a switch statement. I’m try to set up Try and Catch Exception so that if a user enters a String rather than an Int, the program will tell the user this is not valid and prompt them to try again. So far, I have gotten it to tell the

Redirecting stdout from C lib in Java in JNA

I want to redirect the stdout and stderr C streams to Java, but I am struggling to do so. I used the result of this thread: but it still does not work as intended. Here is my C code (I compiled it as a TestPrintf.dll library): And my Java code: The interface for catching the stdout stream: The interface

remove (and count) duplicates from a list

Is it possible to iterate between two iterators of a same list and remove an item within the nested iterator? Version 1 (does not work): } I get a java.util.ConcurrentModificationException, because I modify an element within the same iterator.. I can solve this issue by using another list removableItems and put those items in it: Version 2 (works): Is there
